New Year, New Beginnings: Jill Shepherd and Graham Wheeler

This four-day residential retreat is an opportunity to establish, maintain and deepen the practice of insight meditation through exploring a range of different techniques found in the Satipatthana Sutta’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Most of each day will be spent practising silent sitting and walking meditation, with some guided meditation instructions, dyad (pairs) meditation, and opportunities for individual and group meetings with the teachers. This retreat is suitable for beginners as well as those with some previous meditation experience.
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4 Jan to 8 Jan 2017 Male places available

Course code: JSGW1-17
Cost: $380

This four-day residential retreat is an opportunity to establish, maintain and deepen the practice of insight meditation through exploring a range of different techniques found in the Satipatthana Sutta’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

Most of each day will be spent practising silent sitting and walking meditation, with some guided meditation instructions, dyad (pairs) meditation, and opportunities for individual and group meetings with the teachers.

This retreat is suitable for beginners as well as those with some previous meditation experience.

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