Start Your Week Well – Monday Morning Online Sitting
Open Dates
Start your week well by joining the BMIMC online for a regular Monday morning Zoom sitting hosted by Jill Shepherd and others from the BMIMC community.
Three-week Vipassana Retreat
with Sayādaw U Vivekananda
April 12 - May 2, 2025
Due to the especially high demand for Sayadaw's teaching, registration for this retreat will be by ballot. Click through to register for the ballot. The ballot will be drawn 27 June.
Waiting List
Seeing clearly, finding freedom
with Jill Shepherd
May 9 - 18, 2025
This nine-day retreat for experienced meditators will focus on deepening insight into the three universal characteristics of impermanence, unsatisfactoriness and not-self, because directly experiencing the truth of these three characteristics is the key to living our lives with more ease, peace, and freedom.
Waiting List
Foundations of Buddhism & Meditation
with Danny Taylor
June 6 - 8, 2025
This integrated process is for people interested in the foundations of Buddhism and its relationship to meditation & life. It consists of three events, starting with a weekend at BMIMC, and two afternoon (half-day) sessions in Sydney. Meditation will be central but explored in its Buddhist context as a foundation for living. The format will allow us to experiment with integrating meditation into our everyday lives while appreciating the Buddha’s core messages. This process is open to complete beginners and more experienced meditators.
Waiting List
Introduction to the Buddha’s 16 steps of mindfulness of breathing
with Malcolm Huxter
June 13 - 16, 2025
The practice of loving-kindness (mettā bhāvana) aims at the cultivation of a loving, benevolent attitude towards all living beings. Since the time of the Buddha, this form of meditation has been used as a practice in itself, and as a support for the development and deepening of insight. ***This weekend retreat is ideal for first time meditators***
Spaces 12
Places available
Two Week Metta Retreat & Introductory weekend
with Venerable Virañani and Tara Frances
August 1 - 17, 2025
The practice of loving-kindness (mettā bhāvana) aims at the cultivation of a loving, benevolent attitude towards all living beings. Since the time of the Buddha, this form of meditation has been used as a practice in itself, and as a support for the development and deepening of insight. ***This course starts with the introductory weekend and is followed by two weeks of intensive practice. It is ideal for experienced meditators new to metta practice, but is also suitable for yogis with metta experience as well as first time meditators.***
Waiting List
Introduction to Metta – Weekend
with Venerable Virañani and Tara Frances
August 1 - 3, 2025
The practice of loving-kindness (mettā bhāvana) aims at the cultivation of a loving, benevolent attitude towards all living beings. Since the time of the Buddha, this form of meditation has been used as a practice in itself, and as a support for the development and deepening of insight. ***This weekend retreat is ideal for first time meditators***
Waiting List
Two Week Metta Retreat
with Venerable Virañani
August 4 - 17, 2025
The practice of loving-kindness (mettā bhāvana) aims at the cultivation of a loving, benevolent attitude towards all living beings. Since the time of the Buddha, this form of meditation has been used as a practice in itself, and as a support for the development and deepening of insight. *** This course is ideal for experienced metta practitioners, but is open to people new to metta practice or to meditation generally***
Spaces 3
Almost full
The Way of Insight
with Patrick Kearney
September 12 - 21, 2025
In this nine-day retreat we will practise mindfulness and explore its application to the discovery of insight. For the Buddha, “insight” means seeing into the three universal characteristics of impermanence or change (anicca), pain or dis-ease (dukkha) and not-self (anattā)...
Waiting List
Long Weekend Retreat
with Michael Dash
October 4 - 6, 2025
The focus of this retreat is on realistic and practical understanding of Buddhism and Buddhist meditation with an emphasis on personalising the practice and using it in everyday life.
Spaces 10
Places available
Six-day Retreat
with Lesley Lebkowicz and Malcolm McClintock
October 24 - 30, 2025
This five-day retreat will include both Metta and Vipassana, and focus on the benefit of vipassana practised with a kindly mind. Malcolm was first authorised to teach by the late Mahasi Sayadaw himself. This will be his first, long-awaited formal offering as a teacher.
Spaces 17
Places available