A heartfelt thank you to everybody who donated to this year’s June Appeal
We raised a total of $8,155 which just covered the cost of the Sasana House electrical rewiring. This had initially been quoted at $4,000 but closer inspection revealed the decay and damage was far more more significant than we realised and the bill for this work came in at $6,890.
The remaining funds raised went towards the replacement of the steel mesh fire proofing under the yogi accommodation blocks, which cost $1,440.
Building maintenance requirements seem endless at BMIMC, and while the retreat fees help us cover some of the essential building and repair costs there are always unexpected expenses with much of our infrastructure reaching the end of its life-cycle.
For example, last month we lost the heating system in the Dharma Hall. September still gets very cold in Medlow Bath so we were unable to avoid an immediate replacement of the boiler for a cost of around $4,000 to ensure we could keep our courses running.
Perhaps you’re in a position to help us recoup some or all of this cost. By doing so you’ll be helping keep yogis warm in the hall for many cold winters to come.
If you can help, please go to our donations page