Retreats & Events

Date & Time Details: 13 September, 7.30pm - 8.30pm

Location: Online

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Dhamma Talk – Contemporary Theravāda (Live Stream)

with Patrick Kearney

September 13, 2023

In the modern Burmese insight movement students are trained in classical insight meditation (vipassanā bhāvanā). They attain a level of understanding (ñāṇa) and return to their normal lives. If the students are Burmese Buddhists, they enter the meditation centre from a deep intuitive understanding of their own tradition and return to this tradition, where they can now make sense of what happened to them inside the centre. But what about students from outside the world of Theravāda Buddhism? How can they make sense of a practice designed for faithful Theravāda Buddhists? In this talk we will take this question as a starting point for exploring the currents within contemporary Theravāda Buddhism and ask: Where do we stand in this situation? Where does a centre like the Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre stand? How does the Buddha Dharma find its own uniquely Australian character without losing the depth of the traditions it is emerging from?

Register to get the link to the live stream and follow-up email with link to the recording.

There is no charge to join, but any donations to Patrick are greatly appreciated.

This talk follows on from Patrick’s talk last week on the The Genealogy of Insight  – click here to access the recording







Patrick Kearney
Patrick Kearney is an independent dharma teacher in the lineage of Mahāsī Sayādaw of Burma, his principal teachers being Paṇḍitarama Sayādaw and John Hale. He has also trained in the Diamond Sangha lineage of Zen Buddhism. His original teacher was Robert Aitken Roshi, and he is now studying with Paul Maloney Roshi. Patrick has a particular interest in the Buddha’s teachings before Theravāda or Mahāyāna were thought of. He studies Pāli and seeks to bring his understanding of the early texts to the practice of dharma in the contemporary world. For further details see his website.
Learn more about Patrick Kearney