Retreats & Events

  • Female Single Room – AUD $835.00
  • Male Single Room – AUD $835.00

If your room option is FULL, please Join Waitlist

Date & Time Details: Starting time: Friday 24 March after 4pm for a 7pm start Finishing time: Sunday 2 April with lunch

Location: Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre

Address: 25 Rutland Rd, Mellow Bath 2780

(02) 4788 1024

Course code: JS1-23

Email an enquiry
Program is fully booked

Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

with Jill Shepherd

March 24 - April 2, 2023

Program is fully booked

Nine-Day Retreat

In the Buddha’s teaching, going on retreat can be understood as a powerful form of “taking refuge,” by temporarily retreating from our external responsibilities to take care of our inner life.

The peaceful environment of BMIMC in the Blue Mountains supports deep rest and renewal, which in turn, supports the strengthening of our inner resources, our connection with sangha/community and our capacity to live with more ease and freedom in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.

Over the course of nine / seven days, we will explore a variety of foundational Buddhist practices, including the Four Establishments of Mindfulness that orient us to deep freedom, the four Brahmavihāra practices of kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity that open the heart and mind, and some relational practice meditating together in pairs or small groups, to strengthen our sense of sangha/community.

Each day will include a mix of guided and silent sitting meditation, walking meditation, optional mindful movement, small group discussion and individual meetings with the teacher.

This retreat is best suited to people who have done at least one previous silent insight meditation weekend retreat (or longer).


Jill Shepherd
Jill Shepherd began practicing insight meditation in Thailand in 1999, and since that time has lived and worked at several meditation centres and monasteries in the US, Australia, England, and Thailand. She spent seven years on staff at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts, where she participated in several long retreats and Buddhist study programmes, as well as offering weekly meditation classes at a nearby prison. She is a graduate of the IMS / Spirit Rock teacher training program in the US, under the guidance of Joseph Goldstein and Gil Fronsdal. She lives in Aotearoa / New Zealand…
Learn more about Jill Shepherd