Awakening Our Natural Wisdom: Greg Scharf and Jill Shepherd

This silent retreat will draw primarily on teachings from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, emphasising continuity of present moment awareness as the foundation for clear seeing and the arising of wisdom. The format will include instruction in both Insight and Loving-kindness meditation, an optional daily period of mindful movement, and meetings with the teachers. The retreat is suitable for both beginning and experienced students of meditation.
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1 Sep to 15 Sep 2017 places available

Course code: GSJ1-17
Cost: $1070 + $100.00 airfare supplement

Vipassana or insight meditation is the simple direct practice of moment-to-moment observation of the mind/body process with relaxed, open and careful attention. As we learn to observe our experience from a place of stillness and balance supported by wise view, reality is accurately seen and liberating insight arises as a natural result. Loving-kindness or Metta meditation develops the heart’s capacity for patience, acceptance, and forgiveness as we connect with and care for ourselves and others.

This silent retreat will draw primarily on teachings from the Theravada Buddhist tradition, emphasizing continuity of present moment awareness as the foundation for clear seeing and the arising of wisdom. The format will include instruction in both Insight and Loving-kindness meditation, an optional daily period of mindful movement, and meetings with the teachers.

Most of each day will be spent practising silent sitting and walking meditation, with some guided meditation instructions and opportunities for individual and group meetings with the teachers. It is suitable for both beginning and experienced students of meditation.

This is Greg’s third visit to BMIMC offering a retreat with Jill Shepherd.

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