Nine-day Insight Dialogue retreat led by Gregory Kramer and Mary Burns

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13 Feb to 22 Feb 2015

Course code: GK1-14
Cost: $710 (includes airfare supplement)

Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice. Based in vipassanā meditation, it brings the mindfulness and tranquility of traditional silent meditation practice into our interactions with others through dialogue. Instructions will introduce Insight Dialogue meditation guidelines step-by-step and guide participants into contemplative dialogue. We will also learn and practice a methodical form of reading meditation called Dharma Contemplation. Dhamma talks, silent meditation, and time in nature are integral to the retreat. Our practice will focus on the aggregates (khanda), and the practice of dhammanupassana, internally, externally, and both. For more information about Insight Dialogue, see the Metta Foundation website

Gregory Kramer developed the practice of Insight Dialogue and has been teaching it since 1995, offering retreats worldwide. He has studied with, among others, Ajahn Sobin, Ven. Ananda Maitreya and Ven. Punnaji Mahathera. Gregory is the director of Metta Foundation.

Mary Burns has practiced with several vipassanā teachers and has studied intensively with Gregory Kramer since 2004. Mary has also taught Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction for many years. She is a licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private practice in the US.

This retreat is suitable for meditators who have at least 28 days of vipassanā retreat experience (e.g., three nine day retreats)

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