Dharma Contemplation Workshop with Jill Shepherd (Sydney Event)

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11 Apr 2015 - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Course code: JS3-15
Cost: $25.00 + Dana

Dhamma Contemplation is a simple, contemplative practice that enables us to enter into the Buddha’s teachings. As a group practice it is singularly powerful at revealing layers of meaning in these profound early texts.

The Dharma Contemplation process was developed by Gregory Kramer, the founder of Insight Dialogue, and has similarities with the Christian tradition of Lectio Divina. Participants begin by contemplating a short excerpt of the Buddha’s teachings and over the course of five distinct practice phases engage one another, speaking the truth and listening deeply. Participants move from engagements with just the words of the text, then to the emotional resonances it evokes. This leads to a cognitive investigation of the meaning and finally, setting the text aside, to an exploration of present moment experience: how has this life been touched by the Buddha’s words. The process is more poetic than academic though the talents of the thinking mind are included.

For more information about the Dharma Contemplation process:

This workshop is open to anyone with some insight meditation experience and an interest in exploring the Buddha’s teachings.  Prior Insight Dialogue experience is not necessary.

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