In our last general update back in May we promised to update you once we had more clarity about how the Covid situation would affect our remaining 2020 retreats and our future retreat schedule. Our apologies it has taken this long to get to that point – such is the nature of this pandemic – but we are pleased to let you know we are close to finalising our revised 2020 schedule. Unfortunately, due to the international travel restrictions, our visiting teachers from overseas will not be able to attend in person. The good news is we will make up for this as best we can with video conferencing which, for better or worse, many of us are now very accustomed to. We have also added some additional online courses and events.
Changes to Existing Retreats
Venerable Viranani’s August retreat (2 weeks), Sayalay Baddha Manika’s September retreat (16 days) and Steven Smith’s October retreat (8 days) have been cancelled and will be replaced by online retreats. We are still working with these teachers on the details including retreat length, dates and yogi capacity. Registrations will be open soon so please keep an eye on the website. We will also send out an update for each of these retreat as they are posted.
Please rest assured that we have already been in touch with those who had registered, and these people will be given priority if registering for the online alternatives. If for some reason we missed you – our apologies – please get in touch the with the office to arrange your refund.
Michael Dash’s October long weekend retreat is at this stage still going ahead as usual. With Michael being locally based we can leave it until closer to time to make a final decision on how and whether to proceed.
Sayadaw U Indaka’s November retreat (nine days) has been cancelled. Unfortunately Sayadaw will not be able to offer an online alternative.
Additional 2020 Online Retreats
A Virtual Retreat With Patrick Kearney – started last Friday
Foundations Of Buddhism & Meditation Course with Danny Taylor – 17 July to 5 September
Fundraising Events
As with so many other organisations, individuals and businesses, the Covid crisis has put a strain on our finances as we have been without the usual income from retreat fees we depend on to keep the Centre running.
Jill Shepherd has generously offered to run two fundraising events for the Centre: an evening talk on Friday 31 July, followed by a one-day Workshop on Saturday 1 August. The theme for both events is Finding resilience in challenging times.
Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you are not in a position to give financially, or can give only a small amount. It’s still a great way to reconnect with the BMIMC community and see some old faces.
Contribute to our Covid Recovery Fund
We have recently set up a monthly giving program with all donations going into our Covid Recovery Fund. By becoming a monthly giver you will be playing a vital role in sustaining the Centre financially through these difficult times so we can transition back to full capacity. Even a small monthly gift of just a few dollars will go along way!
Our 2021 Retreat Schedule
Usually, around this time of year we publish the retreat schedule for the following year. However, due to the ongoing uncertainty about when international travel restrictions will be lifted and the fact that a number of our retreats are led by visiting international teachers, we are still unsure what next year will look like. We ask for your patience as we work through this. We expect to start announcing some 2021 dates within the next two months.